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What is SportsRecruits?

SportsRecruits provides players and parents with a suite of online tools that assists them in the recruiting process while maximizing their exposure to college coaches.

SportsRecruits FAQ’s

WNY Flash Recruiting Webinars | SportsRecruits Slides

What is Front Row?
FrontRow is a video sharing platform that is integrated into your SportsRecruits account. 

With FrontRow, it gives our staff and players control of the video side of the recruiting process.  We are now able to easily share high-quality game footage, skills videos, highlight videos, and college recruiting videos with our players and college coaches.   


How should these tools be used?

U13 – Video sharing within team/club only

U14 – Video sharing within team/club only

U15 – Video sharing within team/club

Passive – College research 

Create ‘Schools of Interest’ list – Between 50-100 Schools

U16 – Video sharing within team/club

Highlight or Game Video made viewable to College Coaches

College research – ‘Schools of Interest’ list narrowed down

One Way Contact – Introduction emails, Invite to games, ID Clinics 

College coaches can only respond with information that is about Camps/ID Clinics until June 15 heading into your Junior Year of High School

U17/19 – 

Video sharing within team/club

Highlight or Game Video viewable to College Coaches

College research – ‘Schools of Interest’ list narrowed down

Two Way Conversations – College coaches can now communicate freely with players who are in their junior year

What is the Role of Coach/Director?

With the recruiting process, it is important that it is player driven. Everyone is different, so your process will be different. Along the way there will be many questions that arise and your coach or program director are great resources of information.

The key ways our staff help our players is by assisting with:

Helping research colleges that make sense

Helping you to be realistic

Helping organize the process

Proofreading emails and correspondence (not to edit, just make suggestions)

Developing a recruiting timeline

Communicating with College Coaches

SportsRecruits Player Login InClick Here 

* If new to SportsRecruits please check the email account of the registered player for instructions on setting up your SportsRecruits player account.  Questions? Call at +1 212-414-8417 or visit our Help Desk

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